Biden News: New US President Biden is in trouble in the White House

Biden News: New US President Biden is in trouble in the White House

Biden News - A new broom sweeps clean. This even applies to the relationship between the government and the media under US President Joe Biden in the USA.


U1. Under Joe Biden is to the United States, the ratio of government to the media be better.


In contrast to his predecessor Donald Trump, new president Biden holds regular briefings again.


Washington DC - Press conferences at the White House were almost legendary in the days of former President Donald Trump. Trump was happy to use these events to break into his dreaded monologues. He avoided critical questions and ignored reporters whom he disliked.


“Don't talk to me like that,” Donald Trump once reprimanded a reporter after he repeatedly asked unpleasant questions. “You are just a lightweight. I'm Trump the President of the USA.


Never speak to the President in this way. ”Future inquisitions were passed, plus Joe Biden regularly dropped a so-called “press conference” without entering into a dialogue with the representatives of the press. It was agreed in Washington that things can only get better under the new President Joe Biden.


Biden News - Joe Biden's team is reintroducing the White House briefings


Since Joe Biden took office as the new president two weeks ago, Washington has at least tried to restore something like a normal relationship between the media and the White House press team.

During her first press conference, Jen Psaki, the new White House press secretary, promised to reinstate the regular briefings with media representatives.


These rounds of talks had been cancelled under Donald Trump. Psaki emphasized several times that she "deeply respects the role of a free and independent press". They have "a similar achievement" which is to "exchange precise information with the USA citizens."


Joe Biden: His press team wants to be informed in advance of any questions


But now the good relationship between the press and Joe Biden's media team seems to be slightly clouded. As reported by the US portal “Daily Beast”, Jen Paski employees have approached press representatives in the past with the request that they notify the press staff of any planned critical questions and topics during the briefings. According to multiple sources, the new president's press team has occasionally contacted reporters in advance to see what questions they would like to ask Jen Psaki when it comes to their turn during the briefing.


Biden News team did not deny that employees wanted to find out about planned questions from reporters in advance. However, the White House claimed it was only trying to forge a better relationship than the Trump administration with media representatives.


They just want to ensure that all questions can be answered comprehensively during the press conferences.


Press and government: Joe Biden wants to improve the relationship again


"We aim to make the daily conference as productive and informative as feasible for both reporters and the public," said a White House spokesman under Joe Biden. “To achieve this goal, we need to be in touch with reporters regularly to make sure they are getting the information they need. This two-way conversation is an important part of keeping the American people informed of what the government is up to. "


Under previous administrations, many White House reporters met informally in the mornings to talk to press officers. During these meetings, the White House communications staffs was able to get an idea of the issues reporters were interested in that day, and the press officers, or the President himself, went to the briefings well prepared.


Joe Biden is in trouble with media representatives: inside the White House


The Association of Press Representatives in the White House meanwhile advised refusing to provide information about what should be discussed in the press rounds. Biden News stated one should not answer corresponding inquiries from the Biden team.


"While it is a relief to have the briefings resumed, especially with factual information requirements, if the White House selects or is informed about the issues, the press cannot do its job during the conferences," said a correspondent for the White House. "That wouldn't be free press work at all."


Eric Schultz, former White House deputy press secretary under Barack Obama, on the other hand, said the new communications team has only found its way back to the normalcy of the briefing process. In most presidents before Donald Trump, figuring out what reporters are focusing on has been standard. Also to reduce the number of questions that goes unanswered at the briefings. “This is textbook communication work,” said Schultz.


Despite the concerns of some reporters about the actions of the Biden team behind the scenes, Jen Psaki's tenure has received positive reviews in the media to date. The Washington Post wrote that Americans could again prepare for “real” questions and answers in the White House. It would even be worthwhile to turn on the television again.  
