Joe Biden is peppered with scandals involving his son Hunter

Joe Biden is peppered with scandals involving his son Hunter


Before Joe Biden's inauguration as president of the United States, a new controversy arose on social networks around his son Hunter.

Joe and Hunter Biden

Politics in the United States reignite controversy exactly 10 days after the naming ceremony of Joe Biden as the new president of the North American country. In the last hours, on Twitter, the name of Hunter Biden, son of the president-elect, became a trend after an alleged series of files that came to light and that directly involve him.


These documents allegedly show indications of the complaints of sex crimes (amid which felonies such as pedophilia, among others, stand out) against Hunter Biden, which unleashed a wave of criticism against the son of the next president.


Strong evidence was found in the computer of Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden.


Users on social media rebuke that Twitter was responsible for restricting and preventing the publications issued by the still president Donald Trump after what happened in the Capitol last week, the same has not been done around the case of Hunter Biden, which has started to divide opinions and even some users accuse social networks of censoring some publications on this topic.


A large part of the accounts censored in recent days has shared a series of photographs of the alleged files found, the same ones of which the legality has not been clarified to date, nonetheless, media sources suggest that in the approaching few days they would be discharged. the light important revelations that would be decisive in this case.


A few weeks ago when the accusations against Hunter Biden began to come out, Donald Trump denied that he was behind this situation, which is why there has been speculation about a possible political war outside the former presidential candidates in the last November elections.        

