United States, Trump does not give up: "Election scam, Biden cannot be president"

United States, Trump does not give up: "Election scam, Biden cannot be president"

Trump - The tycoon returns to the attack in a video on social networks against Joe Biden: "I will protect our electoral system from this coordinated assault". Twitter censors it: "controversial content"

Donald Trump does not give up and appears in a video posted on social media to announce that his legal battle against the electoral verdict goes on. "Everyone will commence on promoting the integrity of their wish, making sure that every legal ballot is counted and that no false ballot is included. And this not just to honour the 74 million Americans who voted for me but to ensure that Americans have faith in the election and in future elections ", declares the tenant of the White House, defining his speech" perhaps the most important ever "to update on electoral fraud.

Trump, therefore, reiterates his accusations, despite his own Justice Minister William Barr has ruled out fraud that could change the outcome of the vote. "As president, I have no higher task than to defend the law and the Constitution," warns Trump in the video which lasts 2 minutes and 13 seconds but was also published in an extended version, 45 minutes, on Facebook. "This is why I am determined to protect our electoral system which is now under a coordinated assault", attacks 'Donald Trump' accusing Democratic rival Joe Biden of not even campaigning as if he knew the result would still be in his favour.  "It was all very strange," observes Donald Trump, pointing the finger at an election "prematurely" attributed to Joe Biden, with the complicity of the media.

 The post was immediately "censored" by Twitter for its claims defined as "controversial against President Elect Joe Biden".     

