Biden News Today: The Joe Biden experiment

Biden News Today: The Joe Biden experiment 


The cultural hegemony of the United States is that of its entertainment industry, and it is noticeable above all in two things: the cinema and the presidential elections. Everyone follows the campaigns, the polls, and discusses the candidates as if they were going to vote, and everyone celebrates or laments the result as their own thing.   

Biden News Today - It is not just because of the influence they may have: nobody has a clue about Chinese politics; nobody knows practically anything about the Russian political system or the functioning of the European Commission - which also influences. In other words, it is something else. And in general, due to an inertia that should be explained, normally the rest of the world votes for the Democratic Party.


Mexico no! Among us, the regeneration movement has very obvious affinities with Donald Trump, and with "Trumpism," and that is important. But also in recent years, the relationship with the United States has been absolutely clear; with the corresponding humility, we assume that we are your employees: we appreciate that you pay us and that you allow us to send the remittances to complete the expense, and we work at ease as porters. Now, that's the reason we opted for Donald Trump.


The outcome of the election allowed us to talk about electoral fraud, which is one of our favourite topics. Biden News Today - But the situation was compromised because it put us together with Bolsonaro, who we don't like. And the rest of the world had voted for Joe Biden. So we unearthed the stupid cousin of the Carranza Doctrine and disguised him as a principle of foreign policy — that is, for the embassies. On the home front, the cartoonists who make up the intellectual vanguard of regenerations unleashed a long volley of cartoons to say there was no difference between the candidates: a Trump wearing a Biden mask, a gun-laden Uncle Sam saying he always wins, Biden saying "let's go back to colonialism." I mean, Biden was just as bad as Trump.


Maciek Wisniewski came to the rescue with an article made up of rhetorical questions: “What will be… your first country bombed? Will it mean… tightening the screw on migrants? How long will it take to start conspiring with the coup plotters in Bolivia? How long will it take to instrumentalise the OAS and the DEA…? Will, it carries out some kind of destruction …? ”. We require no more brilliance than that; it is just an act of damaging the presumed president-elect a little, to make the others ugly with his applause.


Joseph Biden is going to be president of the United States, and he will defend the interest of the United States. There is no reason to expect otherwise. But it is an experiment that should be followed carefully because it goes against the tide of the times. He is a discreet politician with a long career, the same as those he has chosen to form his cabinet: Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, and John Kerry. 


It has everything to make a boring government. It remains to be seen if that works, it remains to be seen if it is possible to regain some stability, trust, some institutional inertia, if a gray government is possible, it remains to be seen what kind of society remains after an episode like Trump's. 


