Trump News: President Trump pays $3 million to recount in Wisconsin - Biden extends lead

Trump News: President Trump pays $3 million to recount in Wisconsin - Biden extends lead

Trump News - Very bitter news for Donald Trump

An expensive re-counting of votes in Wisconsin doesn't produce the result that the current president would like to see.


Donald Trump loses in the 2020 U.S. election in Wisconsin and requests a recount of votes. His rival Joe Biden even gained votes through the recount.


Madison - In the US election, Joe Biden prevailed over Donald Trump in Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes. Biden News - For the US president it was clear: Behind the result, there is electoral fraud. In particular, in two democratic strongholds of the state in the north of the United States, things should not have turned out right if Trump is to be believed.


The alleged cheating had to be uncovered, and a recounting of the votes should finally bring clarity. The Trump campaign had to pay a lot for this. The net result is likely to hurt even more than the price.



Donald Trump pays three million dollars - Joe Biden wins votes

Milwaukee County, Wisconsin's most populous district has completed the recount of approximately 460,000 votes. As the electoral authorities announced on Friday (November 27th, 2020), Joe Biden is said to have gained 257 votes, Donald Trump, however, 125. That means a net gain of 132 votes for the Democrats.


Biden News: "The recount demonstrates what we already know," said George Christenson of Milwaukee County. "Elections in Milwaukee are fair, transparent, accurate, and safe." Also in Dane County (including Madison), where Joe Biden won, the votes are counted again. The final result should be there on Sunday (November 29th, 2020). Both recounts together cost Donald Trump and his team $ 3 million.


Donald Trump loses in Wisconsin: a lawsuit against result expected


The Trump campaign could sue the outcome of the US election in Wisconsin. However, they are running out of time. The state has to officially confirm the result on Tuesday. In Pennsylvania, too, Donald Trump and his representatives are talking about electoral fraud - and taking one defeat after the other. The baseless claims are dismissed in court.
