This is how Trump is still trying to win: from begging text messages to retweeting fake news

This is how Trump is still trying to win: from begging text messages to retweeting fake news

Trump's team uses remarkable tactics.

Biden News: It will be a long and especially difficult road for Donald Trump to remain president of the United States. In theory, it could still be done through recounts and lawsuits. And so Team Trump pulls out all the stops. 

Here are the four most remarkable ways Trump is trying to turn the tide.


1.   1. Supplication to voters   


Before American media declared Biden the winner of the election on Saturday, Trump was probably already feeling the mood. Many people received a text message or e-mail: donate money to support the upcoming lawsuits.


But those messages were very striking for several reasons. First, because of the tone! Team Trump seems to be begging for money, and with exclamation marks and capital letters, they try to persuade the recipients of the messages to donate.


The donated money turns out not only to go to the lawsuits. Half will be used to pay off the debts still outstanding in Trump's election campaign. This is what reporters from Media sources discovered when they read the fine print.


2. Spicy press conferences


It was clear from an early age that Trump would not agree to a Biden victory. It was officially announced on Sunday by Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During press conferences like this, Team Trump claims, without proof, that the Democrats have committed large-scale ballot box fraud. Lawsuits are being announced in the states where Trump is at a loss.


There is a lot to be said about the exact location of the press conference in Philadelphia. Giuliani was in fact at Four Seasons. Not the fancy hotel, but the landscaping business. During the press conference, he stood in their parking lot. Opposite a crematorium and next to a sex shop!


American media assume that it is a mistake by Team Trump.


3. Count on! (Or not?)


Team Trump's post-election spearhead: stop counting. In many states, Trump built up a head start in the first hours after the polls closed. Sometimes even a very big lead. But as the hours and days passed, Biden got closer and closer. According to Trump, fraud was involved and the vote count had to stop.


One is excluded: Arizona. Instead of Trump, Biden quickly built up a head start on that. So fast that news agency AP Biden even declared the winner early on! Then it turned out that Trump was caught up there. And so Trump in Arizona did not call for the counting of votes.


4. Fake news


Shortly after the election, a pile of ballots in the state of Virginia went up in flames. The 80 notes were deliberately set on fire by a man. The incident was filmed and quickly went viral on social media.


Donald Trump's son Eric also shared the video on his Twitter account. It would show what Trump was already afraid of: that postal voting would not be fair.


But according to authorities in Virginia, these are not actual ballots, they were test tickets. But in the meantime, Trump's son had already shared it on Twitter.


Something similar happened in Georgia. There a video showed up with a boy who seems to throw ballots away. This video was also retweeted by Eric Trump!


This, too, turns out not to be fraudulent. The local regulator has indicated that these are not ballots, but instruction papers. If you understand this, you can see that from the different sizes of the papers.


The boy in question has been in hiding for a while due to threats. According to local media and Biden News, he no longer dared to use his car because the data and license plate number had been made public.


This all fits into a pattern. Team Trump has previously spread the news about vote fraud is not it turn out to be.
